Prenuptial Agreements


Prenuptial Agreements

Often in anticipation of marriage, a couple may decide to enter into a prenuptial agreement which addresses how potential marital assets would be divided in the event the marriage should end in a divorce. The advantages to a prenuptial agreement are that if the marriage does come to an end, the parties need not go through what often can be a very emotionally and economically burdensome dispute over certain issues, and can instead move forward with a divorce with minimal friction and discourse. The most common situations where parties chose to enter into prenuptial agreements is where they have significantly different incomes or assets. Typically, where a disparity in incomes or assets is significant, the wealthier party will favor most by entering into a prenuptial agreement so as to protect his or her assets pre-divorce.

At Foley & MacAdie, P.C. our experienced attorneys can help you in the negotiation and preparation of a prenuptial agreement so that your rights are fully protected in the event of a divorce.

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